What Are The Milestones And Development Of 2 Months Old Babies

What Are The Milestones And Development Of 2 Months Old Babies

How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves reveals important information about his or her development. Developmental milestones are things that most children can do by a certain age (75 percent or more).

What most babies do by this age:

Milestones in Social/Emotional Development

  • When spoken to or picked up, calms down.
  • Take a look at your face.
  • When you approach her, she appears pleased to see you.
  • When you talk to her or smile at her, she smiles.

Language/Communication Achievements

  • Other than crying, makes sounds
  • Responds to loud sounds

Milestones in Cognitive Development (learning, thinking, problem-solving)

  • observes your movements
  • For a few seconds, he looks at a toy.

Milestones in Physical Development/Movement

  • When on the tummy, it keeps the head up.
  • Both arms and legs are moved.
  • Briefly opens hands

Other important things to share with the doctor…

  • What activities do you and your baby enjoy doing together?
  • What activities does your baby enjoy?
  • Is there anything about your baby’s behavior that bothers you?
  • Has your child lost any abilities he or she once possessed?
  • Is your baby in need of special medical attention, or was he or she born prematurely?