How To Take Care Of Your Eyes?

How To Take Care Of Your Eyes?

Although one of the most important organs in the body, the eyes are frequently overlooked. Unfortunately, there are no beauty enhancement treatments or spas available to rejuvenate or improve our vision. As a result, maintaining good eye health is entirely up to us.

Isn’t it ironic that our eyes are so important, but we abuse our ability to see?

Here are Seven Simple Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes:

  • Take Regular Screen Time Breaks

People spend endless hours in front of monitors, TVs, and cell phones thanks to the technological era we live in. Constant exposure to screens, whether on a laptop, smartphone, tablet, or television, causes unnecessary strain on our eyes. When reading or working on a computer screen, it is best to take frequent breaks. For good eye health, one must look away and focus on distant objects.

  • Apply eye drops

Staring at screens for an extended period of time causes dry eyes. The most effective way to address this issue is to use a hydrating eye drop to cool, hydrate, and nourish the eyes. One shoe does not fit all, and one eye drop is not useful for everyone, so consult your ophthalmologist before squirting anything into your eyes in the hope that it will help. Also, before using any product, always check the expiry date.

  • Get Regular Eye Exams

It is recommended that you have your eyes checked at least once every six months. Eye strain, dry eyes, and other similar conditions can lead to serious problems if not treated promptly. Consult your doctor every six months or whenever any of the following symptoms persist:

  • eye/eyes irritability
  • a sensation of a foreign body in the eye
  • tangled discharge
  • eye strain
  • droopy eyelids
  • bloodshot eyes
  • annoyance when wearing contact lenses
  • shorter periods of bearable reading, computer work, etc.
  • Contact Lens Maintenance

Contact lens wearers must take extra precautions to protect their eyes. Wearing and removing contact lenses, applying or removing make-up, and spraying deodorants, to name a few things, require caution. Avoid wearing the lenses for too long and avoiding contact with dust and foreign particles, which can cause infection.

  • Wear anti-glare glasses.

The sun’s UV rays cause significant damage to the eyes. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to bright, harsh light in the eye can harm the cornea. Sunglasses also shield the eyes from dust and dry air. Plus, it boosts your coolness factor, so why not?

  • Adherence to a Well-balanced Diet

Our eyes require attention both internally and externally. It is critical to consume a diet that contains all of the essential nutrients in adequate amounts in order to maintain optimal optic health. While age-related vision problems such as cataracts and glaucoma cannot be completely avoided, taking adequate amounts of nutrients such as zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin E can help reduce the chances of old age-related vision problems. Superfoods that promote healthy eyesight include green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, as well as protein sources like chicken and soybean. A well-balanced diet also promotes a healthy body weight, which is essential for avoiding obesity. Obesity is a common cause of Type 2 diabetes, which frequently causes patients to go blind.

  • Quit smoking

Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of vision problems such as Macular Degeneration and Cataracts. Toxins inhaled while smoking are extremely harmful to eye health. To allow the optic nerves to function properly, it is absolutely necessary to stop smoking, as it causes damage to them.