Home Remedies Of Fever

Home Remedies Of Fever

Fever happens when a person’s body temperature rises above normal. Although fevers are generally harmless, they can cause significant discomfort. A very high or persistent fever may necessitate medical attention, but most fevers can be treated at home.

The most common cause of fever is infection. In fact, developing a fever is the body’s way of assisting in the fight against the infection.

Other causes include inflammatory conditions, certain cancers, and adverse drug or vaccine reactions.

However, there are numerous home remedies for fever. Learn about some safe and effective fever home remedies for people of all ages in this article.

Home remedies for adults

When an adult has a fever, there are several things they can do to feel more at ease. These are some examples:

consuming plenty of fluids

The body uses more water to compensate for its elevated temperature during a fever. This can result in dehydration.

Rehydrating the body with water or an electrolyte replacement drink can help.


It takes a lot of energy to fight an infection. People should get as much rest as they can to help their bodies recover.

Taking a warm bath

When suffering from a fever, many people consider taking a cold bath. Shivering, on the other hand, will raise body temperature even further.

People can instead take a lukewarm or tepid bath to help their bodies cool down. A bath can also help to relax tense muscles.

Using over-the-counter drugs

Fever is usually treated without the use of medications. Some over-the-counter (OTC) medications, on the other hand, can help reduce a fever and make a person feel more comfortable. Among these medications are:




Lightly dressing

When a person has a fever, they may feel hot one minute and cold the next. Wearing too many layers traps heat against the body, raising it even higher.

People should dress in a few layers and add more if they become cold.

Home remedies for children and infants

Children’s fever treatments are very similar to those used in adults. There are, however, a few subtle differences.

To treat a fever, for example, children and infants should try:

Drinking plenty of water

Children with fever, like adults, require plenty of fluids. However, getting young children to drink more water can be difficult.

Alternatives that are more appealing include:

hot chicken broth


flavored gelatin

fruit juice diluted


Children may feel better after using over-the-counter medications. As a result, they may become more animated and playful.

However, it is critical that children rest until their fever or illness has passed.

If a child is having trouble sleeping or relaxing, parents and caregivers can try reading them a story or playing soothing music.

Taking hot baths

When children are sick, they are unlikely to appreciate bathing. Another option is to place a warm washcloth on the child’s forehead to help relieve the fever.

Rubing alcohol should never be applied to a child’s skin to relieve a fever. When alcohol is absorbed through the skin, it can be dangerous.

Using over-the-counter medications

Medication is not usually required for a feverish child, as it is for adults. Taking over-the-counter medications, on the other hand, can help reduce a fever and make a child feel more comfortable.

Acetaminophen is one medication that is appropriate for children of most ages. Tylenol is the brand name for this medication.

The manufacturers of Tylenol claim that it is safe to use even in very young infants. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not provide dosage instructions for acetaminophen in children under the age of two.

People who want to treat a young infant should seek advice from their doctor or pharmacist on appropriate dosages.

Certain medications are not appropriate for children under a certain age. These include aspirin, which is not suitable for people under the age of 16, and ibuprofen, which is not suitable for children under the age of three months or those weighing less than five kilograms.

Ibuprofen is also not recommended for children who have asthma.

Symptoms of fever

The body temperature is usually around 98.6°F (37°C). However, body temperature naturally fluctuates throughout the day, especially during physical activity.

A low grade fever is defined as a body temperature of 100-102°F (37.8-39°C). When a person’s body temperature exceeds 104°F (40°C), they have a high grade fever.

A feverish person may also experience the following symptoms in addition to a higher body temperature:




muscle pain

appetite loss



Seizures can occur with extremely high fevers. These are known as “febrile seizures.” They are most common in children aged 6 months to 5 years. dependable source

A febrile seizure can cause the following symptoms:


rolling of the eyes

rigidity in the arms or legs


consciousness loss

Febrile seizures usually last a few minutes and do not cause any serious health problems. A child who has had a febrile seizure in the past is more likely to have another one in the future.

When to see a doctor

People should seek medical attention if they or their children have a high or persistent fever that does not respond to medication.

It is also critical to seek medical attention if the fever is accompanied by any of the symptoms listed below:

pain or stiffness in the neck

light sensitivity




These signs may point to a more serious infection, such as meningitis.

Children and infants typically have lower thresholds for seeking medical treatment than adults. People should seek medical attention for a child who:

is under the age of three months and has a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher

is between the ages of 3-6 months and has a temperature of 102.2°F (39°C) or higher

has a fever that has lasted more than five days

has additional symptoms of illness, such as a rash

has dehydration symptoms such as sunken eyes, a lack of tears when crying, or dry nappies

is not eating and appears to be ill in general


Fever is a common infection and inflammation symptom. In most cases, a fever can be relieved at home.

A fever does not usually necessitate medical attention. Taking over-the-counter medications, on the other hand, can lower a person’s body temperature and make them feel more comfortable.

It is critical to remember that some medications are not appropriate for children under a certain age. Always consult with a doctor or pharmacist about appropriate treatments and dosages before giving them to a child or infant.

If a person or their child has a high or persistent fever that does not respond to medication, they should see a doctor. A fever that is accompanied by more serious symptoms of illness necessitates medical attention as well.