Guide to Nutrition After Childbirth For New Moms

Guide to Nutrition After Childbirth For New Moms

For 9 months, the food you ate provided fuel for both you and your baby. However, after giving birth, your diet is just as important. It aids your body’s recovery and provides you with the energy you require to care for your child.

Know your nutritional requirements so you can stay healthy while raising a child.

How Much Should I Eat?

Most new mothers require between 1,800 and 2,200 calories per day in the months following childbirth. Nursing? You may require up to 500 more. If you are underweight, exercise for more than 45 minutes per day, or are breastfeeding more than one child, that number may be higher. Consult your doctor to determine the appropriate amount for you and the duration of your vitamin supplementation.

Nutrients You Need

Even if you’re not “eating for two,” your body requires a variety of nutrients.

Fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal. The other half of your diet should consist of whole grains such as brown rice, whole-grain bread, or oatmeal. Limit packaged, processed foods and beverages high in salt, saturated fat, and added sugars.

You should also get enough of:

Protein-rich foods include beans, seafood, lean meats, eggs, and soy products, which aid in the recovery of your body after childbirth. Set a goal of five servings per day, or seven if you’re breastfeeding.

Calcium: You’ll need 1,000 milligrams per day, which is about three servings of low-fat dairy.

Iron: This nutrient aids your body’s production of new blood cells, which is especially important if you lost a lot of blood during labor. Iron is abundant in red meat and poultry. Tofu and beans are also acceptable. Whether you eat meat or not, the daily requirement for lactating women is 9 mg for women aged 19 and up, and 10 mg for adolescents.

Consult your doctor if you had multiples, have a health condition, or follow a vegan or other specialized diet. They may suggest supplements.

Want to Lose That Baby Weight?

Each month, most new mothers lose about 4.5 pounds of baby weight. You might be tempted to go on a diet to hasten the process, but this is not a good idea. If you consume fewer than 1,800 calories per day, your energy and mood will suffer significantly. If you’re nursing, not eating enough can also harm your baby.

The best thing to do is stick to a healthy, balanced diet and begin exercising when your doctor says it’s safe. After about 6 weeks, you can usually begin a walking program. Start slowly and gradually return to your pre-baby workout routine.

Foods to Avoid

If you’re breastfeeding, the foods you eat can pass through your milk to your baby. Take care of:

Alcohol: Experts disagree on how much (if any) alcohol is safe for a baby and how long you should wait to breastfeed after consuming alcohol. Consult your doctor about what is best for you.

Caffeine: Drinking more than three cups (24 ounces) of coffee or soda per day can disrupt your baby’s sleep and temperament (they may be irritable).

Avoid eating swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish because they are high in mercury, a toxin that is harmful to your baby. Mercury can also be found in tuna. Consume only the “light” variety and no more than 6 ounces per week.

Other Nutrition Essentials

Maintain a supply of healthy snacks on hand. If you have washed and ready-to-eat vegetables and fruit in the fridge, you’re more likely to choose them over chips or cookies.

Keep hydrated. Whether you’re nursing or not, aim for 6-10 glasses of water per day. Milk and fruit juice are also options.

Request that friends cook for you. When loved ones inquire about how they can assist, suggest that they bring you a healthy dish. You may be too tired to cook in the first few weeks after giving birth.